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Friday, February 01, 2013
By Tosha
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I have been asked recently how my images look when edited compared to the originals. I thought it was best to show a before and after of the same image. Here you will see the before image which is straight from my camera. The after image shows any blemish removal, highlighting of features and any fun coloring edits that I do.

At Tosha Cole Photography we are totally against over-editing! I would describe over-editing as making the subject look like a porcelain doll. In this case their skin is so smooth that it looks absolutely fake. You can also lose a lot of the features that make the subject unique such as freckles or beauty marks (can you image Marilyn Monroe without her beauty mark? I can't!). We believe that all of our clients are beautiful or handsome to begin with and we want to highlight their features, not mask them!

To view more examples of before and after images please visit You can look on the family site or the senior site under galleries>before & after.

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