Friendship Time Capsule Hacks: Easy Ways to Capture Moments
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Monday, April 15, 2024
By Tosha Cole Photography
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Creating a senior year time capsule is a great way to preserve memories and reflect on your high school experience. It's a chance to capture this special time in your life and look back on it with fondness in the future. Here are some steps to guide you through the process of creating a senior year time capsule:

1. Choose a container: Select a container that will protect your items from moisture and damage. A plastic bin or metal box would work well, but you could also use a decorative box or even a large mason jar.

2. Decide what to include: Think about what items represent your senior year and your high school experience. Consider adding things like a letter to your future self, a copy of your graduation program, photos of friends and classmates, a favorite book or movie, a piece of artwork or a craft project, or a special piece of clothing or accessory.

3. Gather your items: Collect all the items you want to include in your time capsule. Take your time and think carefully about what you want to include.

4. Seal the container: Once you've gathered all your items, carefully place them in the container and seal it tightly. You may want to add a label to the container indicating when it should be opened.

5. Store the time capsule: Find a safe, dry place to store your time capsule. Consider storing it in a closet or under your bed, or even burying it in your backyard. Just make sure you remember where you put it!

Creating a senior year time capsule is a fun and meaningful way to remember your high school experience. It's also a great way to look back on your accomplishments and see how much you've grown over the years. So, take some time to create a time capsule and enjoy the memories for years to come!

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