Introducing Alisha as our 2016 Senior Spokesmodel
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Monday, January 19, 2015
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Alisha attends John Glenn High School, class of 2016. She loves Sour Patch Kids and cream soda. She was crowned Jr. Miss Sparkler 2013 for the Bay City Fireworks Festival. She absolutely could NOT live without her voice because she is always singing and talking. She also couldn't live without her family because they are her biggest support system! If you're ever in need of lipstick, specifically the shade of "a different grape", she always has it with her.

This girl stays busy between competing with John Glenn's Varsity Pom Squad, running track, field and long jumping, performing in theater productions, singing for Varsity Chior, being involved in the National's Honors Society, juggling in JG's Juggling Club and acting as Presedent of her class and Vice Presedent of her student body.

When Alisha grows up she wants to be a speech pathologist. She really looks forward to being a role model in high school during her senior year just as she had while being an under-classman. Her friends would describe her as outgoing, loving and always optimistic.

Here is what Alisha said about Tosha Cole Photography:

"I love Tosha Cole Photography because the sessions always look like so much fun from all the behind the scenes posts I see. The pictures always embrace the beauty in each individual without turning them into someone completely different."

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