Mod Squad: Fall Bonfire
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Thursday, November 16, 2023
By Tosha Cole Photography
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As the fall leaves painted a vibrant canvas, our recent Bonfire Pop-up shoot with our Squad was nothing short of a blaze of stylish glory! Picture this: a perfect blend of autumn hues, a crew that nailed the fall color scheme, and outfits so on point they could rival the changing leaves themselves.

Our Squad turned up the heat, both in fashion and fun. From burnt oranges to deep burgundies, they orchestrated a fall fashion symphony that made the backdrop of crackling flames even more mesmerizing. Each accessory seemed to dance in the firelight, adding an extra layer of enchantment to the shots.

Now, let’s talk about the fun – and the struggle. Yes, you read that right. Our quest for the perfect shot hit a minor hiccup when the fire decided it wanted a break. Cue the leaf blower, our unexpected hero in the battle to keep those flames alive! It turns out, when nature doesn’t cooperate, you improvise. Who knew a leaf blower could be a fashion photoshoot essential?

Despite the challenges, the laughter echoed louder than the crackling flames. The squad embraced the unexpected twists, turning what could have been a hiccup into hilarious memories. There's nothing like a leaf blower cameo to add a touch of humor to a photoshoot.

To all you future seniors of 2025, keep your eyes peeled! The 10th Senior Mod Squad is in the making, and details will be dropping soon. If you want to be part of a squad that not only slays the style game but also knows how to turn unexpected moments into unforgettable memories, this is your chance. Stay tuned for how you can snag an invite to join the Squad that knows how to light up the night – both in fashion and with a leaf blower.

Get ready to ignite your senior year in style!

Pop-up shoots are monthly themed shoots planned by Tosha and the members of the Squad. There are 12 shoots only available to the Tosha Cole Photography Senior Mod Squad & Pop-up Squad. Each model pulls together their own outfit and does their own hair and makeup. Pop-up shoots are a great way for the models to show off their personal style while also being challenged to step outside their comfort zone.

Do you want to join us for the next Pop-up shoot? CLICK HERE!

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