Mod Squad: Renaissance Master Study
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Saturday, May 20, 2023
By Tosha Cole Photography
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MOD SQUAD: FASHION SHOOT - Renaissance Master Study

One of the best and most unique things that my Senior Mod Squad gets to do is the big Fashion Shoot. The theme for this shoot is typically created by something that has completely inspired me or that I have been dying to do! Typically I will come together with my amazing makeup artist, Kaitlyn MacGregor and carefully choose one of my hair stylists to complete the look and feel of the theme.

This year I wanted to try a brand new look for our annual Fashion Shoot, and knew this was just the Squad for it! The theme was a fine art master study! Think Michelangelo & Rembrandt paintings! In photography this look is achieved by creating a Renaissance style lighting, known as Rembrandt lighting. I like using loop lighting as well. The subjects and backgrounds or settings are typically styled very simply and close to the traditional Renaissance style. From there, it takes a lot of retouching to achieve that painterly look. This is what took me the longest as it was my first time retouching in this style. I titled the shoot "Renaissance Master Study".

This has been a 6-week project and I’m so excited to reveal these images. It was truly a collaborative experience - with hair by Dani Irene Hair and makeup by Kaitlyn The Traveling Artist. I absolutely love the results and my models loved it too! This shoot has inspired me to create a new studio experience for you all: The Fine Art Experience. I’m so excited to start offering this, more information on fine art sessions coming soon. Enjoy these images and leave some love for my beautiful models by commenting below or sharing this blog post!

The Mod Squad also does Pop-Up shoots which are monthly themed shoots planned by Tosha and the members of the Squad. There are 12 shoots only available to the Tosha Cole Photography Senior Mod Squad & Pop-up Squad. Each model pulls together their own outfit and does their own hair and makeup. Pop-up shoots are a great way for the models to show off their personal style while also being challenged to step outside their comfort zone.

Do you want to join us as part of the Mod Squad in the future? CLICK HERE!

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