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Monday, October 31, 2022
By Tosha Cole Photography
I always love working with colored smoke bombs but also wanted to work with a fog machine so the girls and I decided to do a Spooky Halloween pop-up in October. Naturally, I wanted them to dress in black or dark colors and get as creative as they wanted to with their makeup. My favorite part about these pop-up shoots is that the girls get to bring out their own personal style. The girls had a ton of fun dancing and posing with these smoke bombs. Scroll down to see why these are some of my favorite images!
Pop-up shoots are monthly themed shoots planned by Tosha and the members of the Mod Squad. There are 12 shoots only available to the Tosha Cole Photography Mod Squad. Each model pulls together their own outfit and does their own hair and makeup. Pop-up shoots are a great way for the models to show off their personal style while also being challenged to step outside their comfort zone.
For more information about the Mod Squad CLICK HERE!
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