Senior Portrait Regrets: Lessons Learned
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Wednesday, October 09, 2024
By Tosha Cole Photography
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Senior Portrait Regrets: Lessons Learned

Advice from another senior...

Hey there, high school seniors! As you embark on your final year of high school, there's one thing you definitely don't want to overlook: your senior portraits. Trust me, I learned this the hard way, and I want to share my experience with you so that you can avoid making the same mistakes.

When it comes to senior portraits, it's easy to underestimate their importance. I know I did. I figured I'd throw on a nice outfit, smile for the camera, and be done with it. But looking back, I wish I had taken the time to really think about what I wanted to convey through my senior portraits.

One of my biggest regrets is not putting more thought into my outfit choices. I went with something trendy at the time, but now it just looks dated. My advice to you is to choose outfits that are timeless and reflect your personal style. You want to be able to look back on these photos years from now and still feel proud of how you presented yourself.

Another regret I have is not taking the time to scout out a location that really spoke to me. Instead, I settled for the generic backdrop offered by the photography studio. If I could do it all over again, I'd choose a location that held significance for me, whether it's a favorite spot in nature or a meaningful place in my town.

Lastly, I wish I had communicated more with the photographer about the look and feel I was going for. I kind of just let them take the lead, and while the photos turned out fine, they don't really capture my personality. Don't be afraid to speak up and share your vision with the photographer. After all, these pictures are meant to represent you.

So, high school seniors, as you gear up for your senior portraits, remember to put some thought into your outfits, choose a meaningful location, and communicate your vision to the photographer. Trust me, you'll thank yourself later.

This is a special time in your life, and your senior portraits should reflect that. Don't make the same mistakes I did. Learn from my regrets and make the most of this opportunity to capture who you are at this moment in time. You won't regret it!

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